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Jebbit Ideas Portal

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Showing 6

"Paste and Match Styling" should be the default when pasting text into the editor

Whenever pasting text, it will carry some of the formatting from it was copied from. So, if the text had white color applied to it, it will show as white in the platform and using the color picker won't change the color. A lot of users copy from e...
3 months ago in Design Options 0 Already exists

Progress bar calculations should be specific to a branch

If there is a split in the beginning of an experience with unequal amount of screens in each, the progress bar number for the shorter path (less number of screens) does not start with 1. For example, there are two pathways A & B in an experien...
3 months ago in Design Options 1 Already exists

Ability to Choose When to Start Progress Bar

Currently, the Progress Bar initiates from the very beginning, counting the initial screen and every subsequent step within an experience. It would be beneficial if there was the option to start the Progress Bar from a specific point within the ex...
about 1 year ago in Design Options 1 Already exists

Outcome Carousel: Multiple categories in one carousel

Explained here: Right now when adding categories to carousel, it breaks out to multiple carousel and allows you to add multiple products to each category. If there were an option where we...
6 months ago in Outcomes 1 Already exists

Copy screens between experiences, outside of one canvas

Right now you can copy/paste screens within an experience, but not between two experiences. outside of saving a screen as a template in your brand.
about 1 year ago in Design Options 2 Already exists

% of scroll depth diferent on each page

With the companion unit experience launched, right now is only possible to set up the same % of scroll depth in all pages. We would to add the posibility of having diferent % of scroll depth, depends on the page that the user is. Setting up per pa...
over 1 year ago in Launching 1 Already exists