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Jebbit Ideas Portal

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Showing 246 of 246

Allow for more than 1 redirect link for products with DPF

Current state, only one link/redirect URL can be used per product utilizing dynamic product feed. A client raised that it would be ideal to allow for 2+, the reason being to allow for an "add to cart" (if leveraging an ecom integration) or "buy no...
3 months ago in Outcomes 0

Date Based Traffic Split

Studio often gets asked to create campaigns that are dynamic based on dates. Think - advent calendar, or an experience that updates daily with new content. A sweepstakes that changes based on the week. Or even a campaign that ends and the client w...
over 1 year ago in Builder 2

Make it easier to test logic and recommended outcomes with exact logic

It would be amazing to be able to easily download a report that runs through all potential answer selections and then the product that would be recommended to a customer at the end of it. Currently, a customer would have to walk through each itera...
8 months ago in Outcomes 2

Custom error messaging for specific fields

When you don't fill out a required field (such as first name or email) - in the Jebbit preview link, the error message says "First name cannot be blank" or "Email address cannot be blank". When you go to customize the error messaging - the option ...
4 months ago in Design Options 0

Option to export by one Channel/ sub-channel at a time

We don't allow users to export by one channel at a time, but this would be a nice enhancement to our reporting functionality.
8 months ago in Analytics 0

Add the ability to show the javascript code for each page

Allow the user to activate the javascript code view when you are on the builder page instead of clicking on Builder map, then the tree dots, and then clicking on edit javascript. If we can do the same as we have for "Show CSS editor" for Javascrip...
12 months ago in Builder / Usability 0

"Paste and Match Styling" should be the default when pasting text into the editor

Whenever pasting text, it will carry some of the formatting from it was copied from. So, if the text had white color applied to it, it will show as white in the platform and using the color picker won't change the color. A lot of users copy from e...
5 months ago in Design Options 0 Already exists

Add ability to delete or archive launch links.

Add ability to delete or archive launch links.
over 1 year ago in Launching 0 Planned

Calculator Jebbit Logic

I've heard this request from a few different customers at this point so thought it worthwhile to put in a request. Essentially, they want the ability to have Jebbit create calculations and then feature a score at the end of the experience. This wo...
12 months ago in Outcomes 0

Progress bar calculations should be specific to a branch

If there is a split in the beginning of an experience with unequal amount of screens in each, the progress bar number for the shorter path (less number of screens) does not start with 1. For example, there are two pathways A & B in an experien...
4 months ago in Design Options 1 Already exists