Tell us which features you would love us to build!
The ability to add one person across multiple brands has been immensely helpful, but it can still be very time consuming to manually select all L'Oreal brands in the drop down list for every new contact that needs to be added across all accounts. Is there any way to create a "master list" of accounts that you can automatically add one contact to? For reference, I added 3 new CDMO contacts across all L'Oreal accounts last night and it took about 30 minutes to manually select each account for each contact dropdown. It'd be amazing to be able to invite these new users to the platform and select "L'Oreal USA" for example and automatically add them to any account that includes L'Oreal USA in the account name. Another idea would be to add a user to a parent account and have them automatically added to all brands within that parent account, as well as any new brands that are added in later on. At a minimum, it'd be helpful to add a list of contacts and only have to select the accounts one time vs. for each individual person.
Lastly, is there a way to have all Jebbit contacts for an account automatically added? We're consistently creating new accounts for L'Oreal all the time and each time, we have to manually add all Jebbit employees who touch each acocunt.