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Jebbit Ideas Portal

Tell us which features you would love us to build!

Categories Builder
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 7, 2022

Allow the user to edit the meta data (title, description, og data, etc) for each screen. This allow the client to share any page with custom meta data.

Allow the user to edit the metadata (title, description, og data, etc) for each screen. This allow the user to share any page with custom metadata and will help if we are using a custom url with builder parameters to fill the data in each social platform individually.

Like we have in the "Customize Social Post Preview" but for each screen.

Maybe we can have a form where we/user can edit the meta data from each screen and if you don´t add the data to the screen will use the global one.

  • Guest
    Sep 7, 2023

    Pinterest has been having issues related to this Aha. This screenshot shows how are campaigns display when launched on Pinterest. They consistently ask us to remove the metadata to avoid it displaying in this way. Sharing for context!