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Jebbit Ideas Portal

Tell us which features you would love us to build!



Showing 10

Ability to copy DPF Mappings/Feeds

Currently, the ability to use a campaigns existing DPF mappings with other campaigns either in a same brand or in a new brand is impossible. This makes it very difficult for brands to use an experience that has DPF mappings as a template or locali...
over 1 year ago in Outcomes 2 Shipped

Allow users to match with more than one variant of the same product on the results page when Shopify integration is used

At the moment, Jebbit cannot serve more than one variant of the same product on the results page. However, a few beauty clients would benefit from this, since they have interest in wanting to match users to more than one shade of lipstick, or eyes...
over 1 year ago in Outcomes 0 Shipped

Ability to remove clickable images in product outcomes

Newell ran into a issue with their pixels not firing when a user clicks the image of a product outcome instead of Shop Now. They'd like to remove the ability to click the image so the user has to click Shop Now and the pixel fires.
about 1 year ago in Outcomes 0 Shipped

Tags/Categories Shopify DPF Enhancements

Including Shopify Tags Used in Categories in Tags Download When troubleshooting Shopify DPF logic, we oftentimes will download a csv with all of the tags that are included in the experience. Since tags can be included via categories and not regula...
about 1 year ago in Outcomes 0 Shipped

Show a list of products that updates after each response (instead of all at the outcome screen).

Most likely used in an embed onsite, as a user answers questions we should show them a list of products that currently matches their responses. So after Q1, they would see list A. After Q2, they would see a new list B, that has updated based on th...
over 2 years ago in Outcomes 0 Shipped

Outcome screen image clicable

We have launched the companion unit experience. In the outcome screen, we would like to have the image of the product clicable. So we can make sure that the user could click both, in the image of the product and the in CTA button "shop now". Do yo...
over 1 year ago in Outcomes 4 Shipped

Scope to add Dynamic Attributes in the outcomes

Scope to add Dynamic Attributes while adding an outcome, as I dont see any option to add dynamic attribute to my outcomes . For e.g. : Lets consider a lead form, And user selects favorite color as red while filling a form. Then the expected outcom...
about 2 years ago in Outcomes 1 Shipped

Add more variables to the product feed display

The product feed display on the outcome page seems a little basic. It would be great if one could add every variable that is part of the product feed, to the display (e.g. additional columns that I've added to determine which products to show).
about 2 years ago in Outcomes 1 Shipped

Add option to add $ sign in front of price value for shopify clients

Currently there's no way to add in a $ or other currency sign in front of the price value via the shopify DPF. This is challenging for clients that sell in multiple countries as they don't automatically include currency in pricing values as it cha...
over 2 years ago in Outcomes 0 Shipped

Allow multiple categories inside of one carousel

Currently, a category of outcome can contain a carousel, but users have requested the ability to have one carousel with products that belong to different categories inside of them.
over 2 years ago in Outcomes 0 Shipped