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Jebbit Ideas Portal

Tell us which features you would love us to build!



Showing 36 of 245

Option to export by one Channel/ sub-channel at a time

We don't allow users to export by one channel at a time, but this would be a nice enhancement to our reporting functionality.
6 months ago in Analytics 0

Ability to view clicks on CTA buttons that are labeled the same (for ex: 4 products with "shop now")

Just about all L'Oreal clients have experiences that showcase multiple products on the outcome screen, and all of the CTAs are either "shop now" or "add to cart." They always want to know what the breakdown is of clicks per product, but since they...
6 months ago in Analytics 2

Analytics Dashboard: Industry-Specific Benchmarking and Optimization Insights

Industry-Specific Benchmarking: Implement a feature that enables users to select their industry or use case from a predefined list or allow the Jumpstart Lead to input their specific industry when creating their brand in the platform. Allow the an...
9 months ago in Analytics 0

Ability to slice and dice data in experience analytics dashboard

A current frustration with reporting is that we cannot slice and dice data within the experience analytics dashboard. A few examples include: Aggregating standard builds only vs. only companion or lightbox experiences only (since all have differen...
11 months ago in Analytics 1

Attribute Unmapping Trigger/Details in Edit Log

Today, when an attribute is mapped on screen - if a user goes in and makes edit to the screen at some point and deletes / re adds elements (such as a form field), the attribute is unmapped. Within our edit log, it is not documented that the attrib...
about 1 year ago in Attributes 0 Planned

Learn from customers answers

this could help get more sales by listening to feedback
3 months ago in Analytics 0

Reporting download with graphics

The graphics we include in the reporting dashboard are so incredibly helpful. It would be nice to be able to download something at a high level that includes information and graphics to share with teams internally.
about 2 years ago in Analytics 0

Enhanced Video Tracking

A feature that allows us to accurately track the amount of time a user spends watching a video that is embedded within the experience. Currently, the analytics dashboard shares the average time of engagement. Instead of relying on the average, hav...
about 1 year ago in Reporting 0

ability to see open form responses in jebbit analytics

there should be a functionality in which we can see open form responses in the experience/question analytics, rather than having to export a CSV to see these responses. example use case - live Q&A competitor mentioned.
over 1 year ago in Analytics 0

Benchmark Reporting

I would like to see some benchmark reporting across similar verticals, campaigns, use cases, etc. Being able to assess whether my engagement, completion and website redirect rates are successful compared to the broader ecosystem will help me asses...
4 months ago in Analytics 0