I need to create a few different QR codes for different purposes and I created a few for a test and sent which I didn't name it correctly now I need to create the QR codes for different purposes and it would be great to use the ones that I already...
Allow users to upload / save / input multiple color options in their color library. The only time a color is saved in the color library is when it's being actively used in an element. This limits a brands ability to have allllll of a brands colors...
Ability to showcase your Top # results using standard outcomes
Using standard outcomes, it would be great to show more than one result - such as your top 3 results (highest point result, followed by second highest, etc.).
Dynamically Add Poll Results on the Outcome Screen
Dynamically populate Poll results associated with outcomes based on how users answer the quiz. General Mills US wanted to create a quiz where they can show the poll results with the outcome. For example, if users liked a certain recipe and got mat...
Ability to map the SATA type answer container to use for outcome scoring logic for trivia type quizzes. At the moment, it does not show up as an option when there is an SATA type answer container.
We get a lot of requests in studio to put content side by side - i.e. use a split screen layout, but have content on both sides of the split. Not sure the development lift, but adding this layout would help many users achieve their desired designs...