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Jebbit Ideas Portal

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Screen Elements

Showing 19 of 247

Hotspot: have 'overlays' be more responsive to the placement of the hotspot

Currently every time you click on a hotspot that has 'overlay' - the overlay appear in the middle of the page. The suggestion here is to make the overlay appear closer to the specific hotspot that was clicked.
over 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

Quizbot overlay responses

As I understand it, overlay responses don’t work on Quizbot companions (though they are still available as inputs in the builder). If you did implement them in the future, in my mind they would appear as follow-up text bubbles below your answer on...
about 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

sizing issues across desktop and mobile view

aligning screens, like multiple screens has been an issue - trying to make them all the same size. seems like a character limit. would be good if there was a way to make them look consistent. it looks aligned on desktop but when you test the mobil...
about 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

lines not to overlap on quiz

would be so good to have clean lines, rather than having them cross over when linking screens together. when you add a new screen as well you can't choose the location on where it sits, sometimes it goes really high or goes all the way to the bott...
about 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

Trivia quiz results leaderboard

A user has expressed that they would like to be able to display a high score menu or leaderboard to show the highest scores on their trivia quiz.
about 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

Option for fixed location for hotspots

A lot of customers what to use hotspots for educational "more information" type text vs. a product feature. However, the hotspots don't have have a fixed positioning even after you position them on desktop/mobile (the desktop editor view and previ...
over 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

SATA: Allow control of selection spacing in platform

Presently it is not possible to control the spacing between SATA buttons like other buttons inside containers. Many users are requesting the ability to do so.
over 2 years ago in Screen Elements 0

Navigate back to site by clicking Logo

When going through an experience and an experience is NOT opened in another tab, being able to click the brand logo on the quiz woulld allow for users to get back to site easier.
over 2 years ago in Screen Elements 2 Will not implement

Randomize Responses in SATA Screens

Fetch Rewards was asking about randomizing SATA responses within the SATA container. They said that these were features of Decipher (their former vendor), Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey.
over 2 years ago in Screen Elements 1